Saturday, March 28, 2015


Tariffs are an equalizer tool that may or may not be used at a country-to-country level of trade. Sure, on an individual consumer level cheap prices are a blessing, and especially for the poor.

But, in economic terms where profit goes and ends up is extremely important. And guess what, if your country doesn’t use tariffs as an equalizer tool against unfair trade, your country will end up as a jobless dependent servicing nation.

Final solution: Repeal 1938 wage law, then a true free market place economy will save the USA as a free nation. Otherwise, liberals will eventually sell USA sovereignty off piece meal like a hooker on the streets to keep our welfare state beast fed.

I felt like doing some thinking out loud on paper on how much time the country have before our economy totally collapses. I will try to make this article short and not get carried away. 

I will start by saying anyone with an ounce of economic wisdom should know that this madness can't possibly be sustained. 

No one knows how or when all of this economic madness is going to finally play out in the end, not even me. 

But, I do know two things our welfare state is about to butt heads on. Number one is the days of our welfare state in the role of social and family provider is over, the government just doesn’t realize it yet. 

The other thing is our welfare state beast will never surrender it power of being a social and family provider even if it means giving up our sovereignty, selling off the country, or whatever to hold on its role. 

It is a role the government should never have been in from the start. Government in the role of super provider is like feeding on itself or eating its young. 

Nature’s law of taking the course of least resistance can be extremely disarming and seductive. 

That is because no caring and reasonable person wants to see suffering and hardship. But, like drugs, sex, gambling, and anything that gives relief and pleasure, too much of a good thing can be a trap. 

While good men and women stood by the shallow minded liberals with good intent eased the government into a permanent role of being a social and family provider. 

This is a role that for over 6,000 years had always been with the nuclear and extended family head of household. 

I’m sure over the centuries governments had tried playing daddy before but before it had always failed. 

And the only reason it hasn’t failed so far in the USA is because of our evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law. That evil law is what has kept this farce going this long. 

The evil 1938 minimum wage law has allowed the liberals to grow government unabated by inflating our currency to no end. 

And they call it growing the economy, which it is not; it is sheer madness and insanity in my view. Sure, this insanity can work for around four to five generations then it’s going to be hell to pay. 

That is because ever since this insanity started around 80 years ago it has rotted away the tools and foundation that allows for an organize society to exist. 

The tools I am referring to are a strong nuclear and extended family system, a strong culture with good morals, and an adequate supply of small farmers and home gardeners. 

Small farmers and home gardeners would provide some emergency backup bartering capacity to buy time in case the economy collapses and money was worthless. 

In term of long-term survival nothing can take the place of the strong nuclear and extended family system. Without the strong nuclear family system not enough men and women of sound judgment can be produced to maintain an orderly responsible society. 

That is because proper norms and traditions must be instilled without exception in the very young, otherwise after four to five generations you will have far too many shallow-minded self centered liberal idiots to sustain a rational free society 

Only the strong nuclear family will make sure proper norms and traditions are instilled in the very young. Experienced wisdom, good morals, and spiritual values must be instilled and passed on or chaos will eventually result. 

Sure, living in a world of plenty with full stomachs most of us are so caring with good intentions that we never wake up to smell the coffee. 

But, I’m here to tell you that we Americans along with much of the industrialized world below the surface are spoiled rotten. 

We are comfortable and living in a dream, not knowing that we have almost no tools to survive on when this mad insane economy soon collapses. 

Without the umbrella of a strong nuclear and extended family system very few are going to make great self-sacrifices for greedy selfish thankless strangers. 

And self-sacrificing is what it will take to survive as a nation during severe hard and tough times. 

However, all of this coming doom can be avoided by repealing the evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law. 
Even repealing the 1938 minimum wage law is going to cause much pain and hardship but it will be controllable and not turn into chaos. 

Once the USA economy is free and unshackled it won’t take much to eat and survive, and there is nothing more powerful on earth than a genuine true free market economy. 

There is no doubt in my mind it will save the USA and western civilization. And may the Gods smile down on this great nation.

P.S. A non minimum wage genuine true free market place economy won’t allow inflation and a phony currency for very long, like a liquid a true free market place economy will soon seek its own level. 


Thursday, March 26, 2015

I’m going to briefly say a few words on liberalism. Sure, I criticize liberalism as much as anyone but I love liberals as well as all people.

The world would be a cold dreary existence without liberals and liberalism, who else would guarantee that Bamba is safe and the soft emotional side of life prevails.

However, there has never been and never will be a society that survives very long with liberalism at the helm.

The evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law allowed liberalism to gain control of the USA government. And ever since layer by layer they have been running this great USA ship of state aground.

Liberals have a weak survival instinct and can't see any danger in spending this nation out of existence. 

They have no concept of the pain, suffering, and turmoil that will result from a collapsed economy due to reckless spending.

Plus, on the other hand the liberals have made far too many people government dependent for Republicans to succeed in trying to balance the USA budget.

That approach will surly fail for two main reasons; the first reason is it will definitely create a smaller economy pie, which in the short run will make the economy worse.

The second reason is the liberal media and general public is economically ignorant and living in the now and could care less about what is best down the road.

So, when the pie starts getting smaller and painful the Republicans will be booted out of office short order.

I think the republicans should just tread water until after November 2016, and then do the deed I have been advocating.

Now, I will say again what I have said a thousand times or more, if the republican wants to save this great nation, repeal the evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law, period.

That will set free our shackled free market place economy. And there is nothing on earth more powerful than a genuine true free market place economy.

If the republicans set our economy free all they will need to do is be still, the true free economy will take it from there and save this great nation for our children and grand children. 

However, I’m a realist, I know anything I say, just the opposite will be done, so be it.

In my view there is nothing innate about being a liberal, that is why before our welfare state it was almost unheard of to find a poor liberal.

Before our welfare state our poor always had the strongest morals, they could be trusted to work in ones home and very few would take an unborn life.

Today, one poor minority group in the USA are killing the unborn at a higher rate than anywhere in the world. The fact is if any nation is to survive long term Liberalism must never be allowed to completely takeover.

However, there is no denying it; ever since the “New deal” and the 1938 minimum wage law liberalism has dominated the USA government, period.

Liberalism, some of it is in the stars but environment always over rules that, which is why I am totally convinced that only repealing the 1938 minimum wage law can break the liberalism death choke hold on this nation.

Liberalism at our helm is like having a kid behind the wheel. Plus, our liberal welfare state has destroyed our culture and morals, but the most deadly of all, it has destroyed our sense of sound judgment.

Survival then becomes a far more risky business, sort of like the roll of the dice, or not even dealing with a full deck.

Today January 17, 2019 the republicans had my predicted Trifecta outcome to save the USA and individual freedom.

But, I'm not mad at-um; I almost alone know that repealing the arch-evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law is the only solution. I guess the USA hasn't suffered enough yet to see the light. 



Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A genuine true non-phony free market place economy without exception must be able to set its own wages and prices, period. 

The liberals in charge of the government seized that right when they enacted the evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law. 

That act castrated the USA economy and has led to the destruction of our culture and morals. 

And until the USA economy is given back its power by repealing the evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law nothing can break the liberals choke hold on this great nation. 

Otherwise, there is simply no way this great nation of individual freedom can ever be saved. 

Men and women of sound mind with strong survival instincts must give the USA economy back its true power, that way it can save this great nation. 

Nothing else has the power and discipline to drain this vast liberal swamp and prevent individual freedom from disappearing off the face of the earth forever. 

God save the USA the last bastion of true individual freedom left in the world today.

The truth of the matter is government is actually a parasite; it can only survive if it has a host to take from. Government is not part of the economy but what it does greatly affects the economy. 

Every society must have a means of protecting itself from internal and external threats and dangers, and that makes having some form of government a must. 

Most governments have the power to take over that is why most private sector host has strong built in protections and total control over the money supply. But, like they say, “The way to hell is paved with good intentions.” 

On the surface the government doing good and helping people doesn’t seem like a threat, and it is not in perspective on a temporary basis. 

But, in reality government must never become a social and family provider more than on a temporary basis if a free nation is to survive long term. 

Whoever is the provider is the boss like it or not. That is why in the USA and Western Europe for all practical purpose the welfare state has taken over. 

Today there are far too many people dependent on the government to ever put government spending on a diet. 

In Western Europe and now in the USA the money priority first goes to the welfare state over the military and all else. And there is only contempt for the profit driven private business enterprise host. 

Plus, private business days may be numbers because liberal media and the masses don’t understand profit and hate it. 

Still, there is a savior waiting on a white horse ready to ride in to rescue western civilization. 

But first, the evil 1938 socialist minimum law must be shot with a silver bullet or a stake driven through its heart by repealing or getting rid of all federal (not state) minimum wage laws entirely. 

This evil poison pill law must be buried to never rise again for any democracy to ever be safe.

In terms of raw bare boned survival using good intentions and doing the right thing may cause Mother Nature to spit in your face. Just look at the animal kingdom with raw nature, there is no place for good intentions or doing the right thing, except to starve. 

Now, you look at the USA economic situation, from a political point of view good intentions and doing the right thing I believe will surely get you booted out of power, period. 

Folks, let me stop right here and explain, I’m a writer and I write it as I see it. I can be wrong, in fact I hope I am wrong on some of the dire things I see coming down the pike. 

I have said it before and am going to say it again, anyone that still thinks the USA and western Europe can be saved as welfare states is economically ignorant in my view. 

Maybe I’m the one who is ignorant. However, I believe I can dissect and understand the inner workings of an economy as well as anyone. 

Yet, for the life of me I can’t see any social and family provider welfare state doing anything but slowly devouring its own survival host, which is private business enterprise. 

Economically, it is just impossible for a welfare state to survive very much longer by constantly dwindling its own only survival host, which is profit driven private business enterprise. 

Government can take only so much profit before there is none left to take. Anyone with common sense should know that the USA can’t forever reckless spend and keep going deeper and deeper into debt. 

A reasonable person should conclude that the right thing to do is balance the budget and get your physical house in order. 

Sure, that is the responsible thing to do if you are talking about around 80 years ago right after the minimum wage law was enacted. But, today for a political party to take that type of normal responsible action is political suicide. 

Now, here is where my super wisdom comes into play. OK, lets just imagine that at the snap of fingers all of the USA debts are paid free and clear, do you think the health of the nation would be solved? 

My answer would be no! Our debt is a currency problem but civilization existed long before a currency was invented. 

The main problems with the USA and western civilization are culture and moral in my view. Contrary to the common view I believe in free nations the economy is the real disciplinarian that actually guards and protects the nations culture and morals. 

Sure, we are a nation ruled by law not by man, but I believe the economy is the real power that pulls the strings behind the scene. 

Also, I believe liberalism is actually what’s destroying the USA, which could never have happen with a genuine true free market place economy. 

I feel the economy the USA has today is a phony P…. of an economy and has been that way ever since the evil 1938 minimum wage law was enacted. 

The economy the USA has today doesn’t have the power or discipline to protect itself or the nation's culture and morals. 

Once the 1938 minimum wage law was enacted, that allowed liberalism a foot in the door to inflate the currency and grow government to no end. Since then the minimum wage law gave government absolute power over prices and wages. 

Once that happened the aggressive liberals has played to the basic weaknesses in our human nature by promising the moon and back. 

The minimum wage law gave government complete control over private property rights and private business enterprise, which it had never had before in the history of the country. 

By repealing the minimum wage law the economy would regain its power to guard and protect the nations culture and morals, plus boom the economy in real growth not any phony inflated growth like today. 

So, the republican think they can take on our welfare state beast and balance the budget, plus remain in power. Well, I’m one that thinks they are in for a very rude awakening. 

I hope I’m wrong, but I think the beast will defend itself and win. I truly feel only a genuine true free market place economy minus any minimum wage law has the power and ability to take down this beast. 

They will never agree with me, but I feel the only wise course the republicans has left to save the USA is to repeal the evil 1938 socialist minimum wage law, "That is all she wrote." 

As to liberals saving the country, they are the ones hell bent on destroying it and too shallow to even realize it. 



Thursday, March 12, 2015

You can’t get blood out of a turnip. And you can’t have a peaceful and orderly society without strong discipline. So, in my view the USA is entering a totally break down of our p…. of a society.

In authoritarian societies brute muscle power and force are used to maintain discipline. Whereas in free societies people have individual rights and laws that must be obeyed to maintain strong discipline.

But, in a free society when there is no brute power and force to maintain discipline two things is a must to prevent a total breakdown of that society.

Those two must things are first a genuine true free market place economy and second a strong nuclear and extended family system. 

A nations economy trumps everything because everyone must have food and warmth to survive.

That is the reason immigration is out of control because our welfare state allows our poor and uneducated to avoid doing hot hard work to keep the nation fed.

Somebody gotta do that type work or we all will starve. Now, you try to convince a farmer with his harvest rotting in the field that I’m wrong. 

Next is the nuclear family, there never has and never will be a society that last very long without a strong nuclear and extended family system.

It is almost impossible to maintain an orderly and peaceful society without making sure the very young are taught proper norms and traditions. 

That is what happen to the black community, the black man right out of slavery enforced and maintained discipline in the home.

He made sure proper norms and traditions were instilled in the very young before he was kicked out of the home by the welfare state. 

The welfare state never concerned itself with proper behavior and to this day is still financing our own destruction.

Many people are worried about the government completely taking over, well, with the way things are falling apart, the day may come when the people rise up and demand the government take over just to prevent total chaos from insane out of control liberalism.